Race reports 2019

Run number 7 at the EVMC Velp

and the Winner are ...
                                                     1. Marcus Oppenhorst                                       

     2. Günter Honert
                            3. Robert Franicevic

(Below the english version)

The battle for the title of "First GT Series Champion" goes into the last round

On the wave of 19.10 to 20.10 the GT family was a guest on the beautiful facility of the EVMC Velp. Unfortunately, looking at the weather app (almost no matter which one) was quite frustrating during the week. The reality that weekend wasn't much better. We just had "weather". There was a bit of everything, with the autumn drizzle being the largest part.
But you have to praise the GT family. Nobody let the mood be spoiled and we definitely had our fun on the weekend.

The distance :
The EVMC Velp has a beautiful layout. It's worth going here. The 70m long Mini Z track is also a highlight. Due to the irrelevant weather, the GRIP level was not as high as in the first run. The advantage of having the notorious turtle (the curb at the beginning of the straight) was less critical. Nevertheless, one or the other driver cuddled with her anyway ;-)

The driver:
Despite the really poor weather forecast, 19 GTs were at the start with their drivers motivated to the top. Jörg Leopold was a newcomer, and he will definitely take part in the series next year.

The race:
The track conditions demanded a lot from the drivers. On Saturday afternoon the track was at least so dry that you could test it to find a passable setup. The Sunday morning allowed this, at least for the first two heats. Since two are included in the rating, that meant for everyone that the first two had to sit and you could not leave the black (the track) within the 8 minutes lead time. Because from the third run the fog got so damp and the route felt as if someone had spread soft soap. Fast laps were out of the question now. Thus, the preliminary ranking was determined as follows ...


So now the semi-finals were determined. It had stopped raining in the meantime. But due to the lack of sun and the moderate temperatures, the track did not dry out.

The semi-finals took place for model racing drivers under the really worst conditions. Not really wet, just damp. Too wet for the dry tire and too dry for the rain tire. Under these conditions, 20 minutes feels like driving a 2 hour race in a row. Carefully try every round anew to see if a little more is possible ... Then the realization "No" is not possible if you park in the meadow and wait for the helper. So after what felt like 2 hours :-) 20 minutes these results were certain ...

Here are the results of the semi-finals:
The B final:
Silvio had an engine shutdown in the semifinals and could not drive any further. In the B final, when the rain began to set in again, he showed that he rightly became German champion at DM imRegen in Braunschweig. Although Tobi Bosse has already tried to make life difficult for him at that point. The remaining 4 starters fought very nice duels under the difficult conditions.
Now the last finale of the season was on the program
The main finale

Main finals
Just notice that in this rain finale both the German Master Modified and the German Master Standard were at the start. In addition, the one or the other who is generally very fast in the rain and has a chance of the podium. In spite of these conditions or precisely because of this, it cannot be surpassed in terms of tension. The start was a little turbulent. Robert and Jörg spotted lightly right at the start, so Robert (German Champion Standard) first took a break in the meadow. Especially at the beginning, one or the other had taken a creative break. Oppi had the advantage that he could set himself apart a little. In addition, he made the fewest mistakes of all in this run. He was the first to be waved off cleanly after 30 minutes. Günter had to struggle with a non-working brake in the end and so he could only manage his second place. Our Robert, who was the last to leave and then finally made it to third place, was astonishing. Unlucky at the final was Jörg Fehling, who is also a sensationally fast driver in the rain. His clutch bell bearing had quit work prematurely and so he had to park his car prematurely. As my Torsten always says so beautifully "That's it".
For a final in this weather it was still extremely exciting.

Here is the result of the A-final:
Now the GT Family is off to a well-deserved winter break. New GT cars are being prepared for the 2020 season. We will make one or the other change and refine things that we have taken with us from our premiere year. The team of the SCS M2 GT Series thanks all participants for being there !!! And we look forward to it again in 2020

See you on the white line ...

german version
The battle for the title of "First GT Series Champion" goes into the final round

At the end of the 19.10 to 20.10 the GT-Family was a guest on the beautiful course of the EVMC Velp. Unfortunately, the view of the weather app (almost no matter which) the week was already quite frustrating. The reality on the weekend was not much better. We just had "weather". There was something about everything, with the autumnal drizzle making the biggest contribution.
But you have to praise the GT-Family. No one could spoil the mood and we had definitely our fun on the weekend.

The track :
The EVMC Velp has a beautiful facility. Here it is worthwhile to go there. The 70m long Mini Z Bahn is a highlight. Due to the not decisive weather the GRIP level was not as high as in the first run. The advantage of this, the notorious turtle (the curb at the beginning of the straights) was less critical. Nevertheless, one or the other driver has cuddled with her anyway ;-)

The driver:
Despite the really more than tenuous weather forecast, 19 GTs were at the start with their drivers, who were motivated to the tips of their hair. New was Jörg Leopold, who will definitely participate in the series next year as well.

The race:
The track conditions already demanded a lot from the drivers. On Saturday afternoon, the track was at least as dry that you could test to find a passable setup. This read Sunday morning, at least for the first two heats too. Since two were included in the rating, this meant for all the first two had to sit and you could not leave the black (the distance) within the 8 minutes lead time. Because from the third forward the fog was so wet and the track thus felt as if someone had distributed soft soap. Fast laps were now out of the question. Thus, the lead list was as follows ...

So now were the semi-finals. It had meanwhile stopped raining again. But due to the lack of sun and moderate temperatures, the track did not dry up.
The semi-finals took place for model racers on the really worst conditions. Not really wet, just damp. Too wet for the dry tire and too dry for the wet tire. Under these conditions, you feel like 20 minutes is like driving a 2 hour race in a row. Carefully try each round anew if a little more is possible ... Then off to the realization "No" does not work if you park in the meadow and wait for the helper. Thus, after the felt 2 hours :-) 20 minutes fixed these results ...

Here are the results of the semi-finals:
The B-Finale:
Silvio had a motor abaser in the semifinals and could not continue. In the B-finals, when the rain started to set in again, he showed that he had just become German champion in Braunschweig at DM imRegen. Whereby Tobi Bosse has already tried to make life difficult for him on the spot. The remaining 4 starters delivered very nice duels under the difficult conditions.
Now the final of the season was on the program
The main final
 main final
Just imagine that in this rain finale both the German Champion Modified and the German Champion Standard were at the start. In addition, one or two of the other in the rain is basically very fast on the road and has chances on the podium. So in spite of these conditions or just because of that, not to excite. The start was a bit turbulent. Robert and Jörg fumbled slightly at the start, so that Robert (German Champion Standard) first took a break in the meadow. Just at the beginning of one or the other had taken a creative break. Oppi had the advantage that he could settle a bit. In addition, he has made the fewest mistakes of all in this run. Clean, he was the first waved after 30 minutes. Günter had to fight in the end with a non-functioning brake and so he could only manage his second place. Amazing was our Robert, who was the last to come off and then finally made it to third place. Unlucky in the final was Jörg Fehling, who is also a sensationally fast rider in the rain. His clutch bell camp had prematurely quit the service and thus he had to park his car prematurely. How does my Torsten always say so beautifully "That's it".
For a final in the weather, it was still extremely exciting.

Here is the result of the A-Final:
 Now it's time for the GT Family to enjoy their well deserved winter break. New GT cars are being prepared for the 2020 season. We will make one or the other change and refine things that we took from our premiere year. The team of the SCS M2 GT Series thanks all participants that you were there !!! And we are happy when it's 2020 again

See you on the white line ...
6th run in Rucphen

The winners
                                                                                                1.Uwe Pauly                                       
Daniel Stein
FairPlay Award
                                       2. Marcus Oppenhorst
                      3. Miles Treutler              

(Below the english version)

"Now it's getting exciting..."

From this run onwards, the bad results from one or the other race before will drop out. There are two deletion results in the 2019 season. This means that the table may be mixed up again from now on. So it remains exciting who will be the first champion of the SCS M2 GT Series.

The 6th round of the championship was coming up and this time the super sports car league made another stop at the beautiful MAC de Baanbrekers race track in Rucphen.

As for the weather, we were compensated for the rainy DM this time with two wonderful days. Indian summer or whatever it is called. The morning and night were very cool, but over 20 degrees from noon. Perfect RC car weather.

The distance :
For me personally, it is clearly among the top 5 of the most beautiful routes I've ridden so far, with a wonderfully flowing layout. Since there are many events in Rucphen and the track is permanently maintained, there is an incredibly high level of grip here, also next to the ideal line. RC God what more could you want! Okay, there is a little catch with such conditions. A lot of grip and fast turns sometimes mean that such an RC car lifts its leg and shows its chassis plate. Here one or the other would still have free advertising space available :-)
Small joke...

The driver:
Due to the tight schedule and the DM, which was a week before, we only had 19 starters this time. There were only 17 starters left on Sunday. I think about the failure rate before the races, we still have to work.

The race:
This weekend, too, I have to repeat myself at one point. As far as the top lap times are concerned, it has never been as close in any racing series as this one. From 1st to 17th place it was 8 tenths at the top. However, in the GT series, the best two heats are always counted. Which means twice, in this case 5 minutes, had to sit every round. A real challenge with the high level of grip. After the four heats, the ranking was as follows:

PS at this point it should be noted again that it would be great if everyone entered their permanent start number. You can now see who is missing it.


Da wir nur 17 Starter waren, ging es lediglich in den Vorläufen um die Startaufstellung in den Halbfinalen. Hier die Ergebnisse: Auch mal positiv zu erwähnen das Stephan Schroeder ein Mega starkes Wochenende hatte.

Semi-final B started right after the lunch break. Stephan Schroeder, just mentioned, was again mega fast and was able to win a sovereign start / finish victory. Behind it, it went lively to the subject of battles for positions and possible entry into the final. In the end, despite good performances, the race was unfortunately over for Daniel, Tobi K. and Thomas B. Unfortunately there was no B final for reasons that I couldn't explain. I think we will get this in Rucphen next year as well.

Now the A-final followed. This was definitely no less exciting. In this final, Uwe was the big winner who started from position 9 and won the final after the 15 minutes. Hats off! Despite strong performances here in the final too, Tobi B., Sven, Rene and Jörg unfortunately had to forego the main final, it's a shame guys.

Here are the results of the semi-finals:
The highlight of the day was on the program.
The main finale

Main finals
Uwe Pauly (I notice that he also won the first run in Rucphen) mutates here to Mister Rucphen. Relatively clearly he was able to achieve a start / finish victory. Marcus tried a lot, but couldn't prevent it. There was a lot of action behind the two. Günter was able to keep up with the speed at the beginning, but was then rudely slowed down by a loose bike. Miles and Stephan had to let go a little but drove a sovereign race anyway. Miles rewarded himself with third place for it. Marcel, Bernd and Torsten fought wonderful duels for the places behind. That was also extremely worth seeing. Unfortunately, Silvio had to end the final early due to a technical defect. Now to me, now I would like to praise myself a little :-), Starting from 10th place in the race, I had a very violent collision with Silvio right on the first lap. At first the straight one, which led to the nose of my STone losing its shape and ending in an involuntary pit stop. Loaded with a little energy, I started the race to catch up and finished in 5th place after 30 minutes. I enjoyed it.

Here is the result of the A-final:
Now everyone can take a deep breath, take another look at the racing car and get ready for the big season finale on October 19-20, 2019 in Velp. Then we'll see who takes the title home?

See you on the white line ...

german version
"Now it's getting exciting..."

From this run now the bad results from one or the other race before it fall out. There are two blowout results in the 2019 season. Means the table will be mixed from now on possibly again. So it remains exciting who will be the first master of the SCS M2 GT Series.

The sixth round of the championship was on and the league of supercars stopped off again on the beautiful racetrack of the M.A.C. de Baanbrekers in Rucphen.

As for the weather, we were compensated for the rainy DM this time with two glorious days. Indian summer or what that means. The morning and the night already very cool, but over 20 degrees from noon. Perfect RC-Car weather.

The distance :
For me personally, clearly in the top 5 of the most beautiful routes I have driven so far, with a wonderful liquid layout. Because there are many events in Rucphen and the track is maintained permanently, there is an incredibly high trip level here as well as the ideal line. RC God what more could you want! Okay, there is a small catch in such conditions. A lot of grip and fast corners sometimes cause an RC car to lift its leg and show off its chassis plate. Here would be one or the other free advertising space to forgive :-)
Small joke...

The driver:
Due to the tight schedule and the DM, which was a week before we had this time only 19 starters. Of that remained on Sunday then only 17 starters left. I think we still have to work on the failure rate before the races.

The race:
Also this weekend I have to repeat myself elsewhere. As far as the top lap times are concerned, it was not as close to a race series as in this one. From place 1 to 17 it was in the top 8 tenths. However, in the GT series always the best two heats are scored. Which means twice, in this case 5 minutes, had to sit each round. A real challenge at the high grip level. After the four heats, the ranking looked like this:

P.S. At the point it should be noted again that it would be great if all would enter their permanent start number. You see now who she is missing.

Since we were only 17 starters, it was only in the heats for the starting grid in the semi-finals. Here are the results: Also positive to mention that Stephan Schroeder had a mega strong weekend.
Semifinals B started right after the lunch break. The just mentioned Stephan Schroeder again very fast on the way could win a sovereign start / finish victory. Behind it was lively to the point in the topic position battles and eventual entry into the final. In the end, despite good performances, the race was over for Daniel, Tobi K. and Thomas B. unfortunately. Unfortunately, there was no B-finale for reasons I can not explain. We think we'll get that in Rucphen hi next year.

Now followed the semi A-final. This was definitely no less exciting. In this final Uwe was the big winner, who started from 9th place and won the final after 15 minutes. Hats off! Despite here in the final of strong performances, Tobi B., Sven, Rene and Jörg unfortunately had to miss the main final, really bad guys.

Here are the results of the semi-finals:
main finale
Uwe Pauly (I realize that he had also won the first run in Rucphen) mutated here to Mister Rucphen. Relatively unequivocally, he was able to make a start / finish win. Marcus tried a lot, but could not prevent it, Behind the two was a lot of action. Günter was able to keep up with the speed on the start, but was then thwarted rudely by a loose bike. Miles and Stephan had to let off a bit but still drove a sovereign race. Miles rewarded himself with third place. Marcel, Bernd and Torsten delivered wonderful duels for the places behind. Also was very interesting. Silvio unfortunately had to end the final prematurely because of a technical defect. Now to me, now I would like to praise myself a little :-), From 10th place in the race I had a very violent collision with Silvio directly in the first round. At the beginning of the straight, the nose of my STone lost its shape and ended in an involuntary pit stop. Loaded with a little energy, I started to catch up and ended up in 5th place after 30 minutes. I enjoyed it.

Here is the result of the A-Final:
Now everyone can take a deep breath, re-master the car and get ready for the big season finale on 19.-20.10.2019 in Velp. Then we will see who takes the title home?

See you on the white line ...
5th run in Bad Breisig

The winners
1. Marcus Oppenhorst                                         

2. Günter Honert
3. Klaus Schumm

Fairplay Award : Julian Fastenroth
(Below the english version)

"Zurück zu Hause"
Dieser Satz stammt nicht von mir, sondern von Teilnehmern und deshalb denke ich darf er hier stehen

Lauf  Nummer 5 der SCS M2 GT Series und die Tatsache das nun ab dem nächsten Lauf die Streich Ergebnisse zur Geltung kommen. Der MCC Rhein Ahr hat sicherlich optisch nicht die Attraktivste Strecke. Dies hat viele Gründe. Aber was hier ganz oben steht ist das Motto des Vereins "Home of Model Car Racing and Friends". Zudem eine Küche die seines gleichen sucht. Danke dafür!!!

An der Start sollten 25 Starter gehen. Leider hatte es am Samstag auch hier den ein oder anderen Starter erwischt.

Das Wetter war am Samstag morgen, durch den Regen in der Nacht, noch nicht vorzeige kräftig. Dies änderte  sich aber im Laufe des Tages und ab dem Zeitpunkt hatten wir fantastisches Wetter. Also ging es los mit der Jagd auf die Zeiten und eventuell ein Setup zu finden. Oder vielleicht auch dem ein oder anderen Gegner zu zeigen wo der Frosch die Locken hat.

Die Strecke : 
Wie schon geschrieben, sicherlich optisch nicht die Allerschönste, aber im Westen eine anspruchsvolle, dennoch Material freundliche Strecke. Zudem mit einem hohen Grip Niveau. 

Die Fahrer: 
25 Fahrer am Samstag und 21 Fahrer am Sonntag gingen auf die Jagd nach den meisten Runden in 8 Minuten. 

Das Rennen: 
Auch auf die Gefahr hin das ich mich wiederhole aber es ist immer fasszierend wenn man auf die Rangliste schaut wie eng es von Platz 1 bis 21 zugeht. Es heisst hier wirklich keine Fehler machen! Riesig! Es wurden drei Vorläufe gefahren, wovon wie immer zwei zusammen gewertet wurden. Es war MEGA spannend und als die Mittagspause anstand sah die Rangliste wie folgt aus:


After the lunch break, the 1/4 final started. Here 6 drivers were able to qualify for the semi-finals. Thus the semi-finals were determined as follows:

There were mega-exciting semi-finals at a very high level. Once again it was said that you shouldn't make a mistake, as all the drivers were very fast. So this time too there were one or the other in the B final that you would not otherwise expect. In addition, the high temperature played a trick on one or the other. But this is absolutely no shame in this series and shows the balance of performance is right. Here are the results of the two semi-finals. A positive mention should be made of our "Fast Child" Miles Treutler with a huge run. But also with one or the other driver there were positive surprises at how fast they were on the road.

Here are the results of the semi-finals:
It went on to the two main finals

The B final lasted 20 minutes. Here, too, the 30 degrees bothered some. After 20Minutes and a huge race to catch up on my part, Torsten was able to secure first place. Here is the result of the B final:
A- Hauptfinale

Wieder ein sehr spannendes Finale. Es ging über die 30 Minuten auf allen Positionen sehr spannend zu. Am Anfang gab es um Platz 2 einen fantastischen Dreikampf zwischen Günter Honert, Uwe Pauly und Miles Treutler. Dahinter aber in Lauerstellung Michael Schwarz, Rene Akangbou und Klaus Schumm. Jede Runde eine versuchte Attacke in der Regel immer fair. Wenn gerempelt wurde musste der Rennleiter nicht eingreifen. Es wurde fair gewartet. Günter setzte sich gegen Ende ein wenig von Miles und Uwe ab. Bis kurz vor Schluss ging der unterhaltsame Zweikampf zwischen den beiden. Lieder endete es für beide nicht so wie sie es verdient hätten. Uwe musste wegen Spritmangel aufgeben und Miles machte in der Tat einen Fehler der ihn auf  Platz 5 zurück katapultierte. Darüber konnten sich dann Klaus und Rene nach vorne schieben. Einer ist hier noch nicht erwähnt. Marcus hatte durch den oben erwähnten Kampf um Platz zwei den Vorteil das er sich wunderbar absetzen konnte. Dies und die zwei Komponenten (1. klasse Setup / 2. keine Fehler) das er den ersten Platz nach 30 Minuten sicher hatte. Aber auch er fing an Sprit zu sparen.

Hier das Ergebnis des A-Finales:
Now is the time to take a break. The next round of the SCS M2 GT Series is on September 14th - September 15th on the beautiful MAC de Baanbreker circuit in Rucphen.

See you on the white line ...

german version
"Back at home"
This sentence is not from me, but from participants and therefore I think he may stand here

Run number 5 was the SCS M2 GT Series and the fact that now from the next run the prank results come into their own. The MCC Rhein Ahr certainly has not the most attractive route visually. This has many reasons. But what is at the top here is the motto of the association "Home of Model Car Racing and Friends". In addition, a kitchen that is unparalleled. Thanks for that!!!

At the start, 25 starters should go. Unfortunately, it had caught on Saturday here and a few starters.

The weather was strong on Saturday morning, due to the rain at night, not yet show. This changed during the day and from the time we had fantastic weather. So it started with the hunt for the times and possibly a setup to find. Or maybe one or the other opponent to show where the frog has the curls.

The track :
As already written, certainly not the most beautiful, but in the West a sophisticated, yet material-friendly route. Also with a high trip level.

The driver:
25 riders on Saturday and 21 riders on Sunday went hunting for the most laps in 8 minutes.

The race:
Even at the risk of I repeat myself but it is always summarizing when you look at the leaderboard how close it is from place 1 to 21. It really means not to make mistakes! Huge! There were three heats, of which as always two were scored together. It was MEGA exciting and as the lunchtime decency the rankings looked like this:

After the lunch break we went to the 1/4 finale. Here 6 riders could qualify for the semi-final. The semi-finals were as follows:
On it went into the two main finals

The B-final went over 20 minutes. Again, the 30 degrees have some problems. After 20 minutes and a huge chase on my part Torsten could secure the first place. Here is the result of the B-Finale:
A- main final

Again a very exciting finale. It went over the 30 minutes in all positions very exciting. At the beginning there was a fantastic fight for third place between Günter Honert, Uwe Pauly and Miles Treutler. But behind them Michael Schwarz, Rene Akangbou and Klaus Schumm. Each round an attempted attack is usually always fair. If someone jostled, the race director did not have to intervene. It was fair. Günter sat down towards the end a little from Miles and Uwe. Until just before the end of the entertaining duel between the two. Songs did not end up like they deserved for both of them. Uwe had to give up because of lack of fuel and Miles made indeed a mistake which catapulted him back to 5th place. Then Klaus and Rene were able to move forward. One is not mentioned here. Marcus had the advantage that he could settle wonderfully by the above-mentioned fight for second place. This and the two components (1st class setup / 2nd no mistakes) that he had the first place after 30 minutes for sure. But he also began to save fuel.

Here is the result of the A-Final:
Now it's time for a break. The next round of the SCS M2 GT Series will take place on 14.09 - 15.09 on the beautiful course of the M.A.C. de Baanbrekers in Rucphen.

See you on the white line ...
4th run in Dormagen

The winners
                                                    1.Michael Donovan                                          

                                                2. Günter Honert
      3. Marcus Oppenhorst                                             

Fairplay Award : Marcus Oppenhorst
(Below the english version)

"Back at home"
This sentence does not come from me, but from participants and that's why I think it can be used here

Run number 5 was the SCS M2 GT Series and the fact that the prank results will come into play from the next run. The MCK Dormagen invited us on its wonderful route, including the perfect supply from the kitchen.
24 drivers accepted this invitation.

The weather was a bit mixed and the sky had partly opened its locks on Saturday. But that was made up for us on Sunday. Weather good, track with a lot of grip so what more could you want.

The distance :
Why "Little Monaco". It's actually quite simple, the layout of the track is great and great fun. However, Dormagen offers almost no run-off zones, but rather a lot of very stable bands. Errors are severely punished here. One or the other participant also felt this painfully. Only those who do their laps precisely like a Swiss clockwork and also have a little more "cojones" are fast here.

The driver:
There were 24 starters named. On Sunday morning it was unfortunately still 21.
Unfortunately, 3 drivers had their vehicle slightly cold deformed during training. Pity!
The training was temporarily interrupted by the onset of rain. Still, there was enough time to train. The grip was great. Michael Donovan set a mark on his first run. He drove a 19.2 with his Mecatech (Porsche GT3 R). Respect!

The race:
On Sunday morning the heats started. It showed who had his fear or his respect under control. And then there was the aforementioned "Schweitzer Uhrwerke". This is how it looked after the three preliminary runs, two of which were included in the evaluation.

1 26 Michael Donovan 44 14: 29.412 2, Mecaetch FW01 2019 Porsche 911 GT3R
2 22 Marcus Oppenhorst 44 14: 30.150 RS 5 XT Audi R8 LMS
3 12 Michael Schwarz 42 14: 09.266 Mecatech FW01 2019 Audi R8 LMS
4 15 Uwe Pauly 42 14: 14.594 Mecatech FW01 BMW GT3 ALMS
5 28 Günter Honert 42 14: 16.223 FG 2020.2 Porsche GT3 RSR
6 7 Thomas Staab 42 14: 20.834 3, 2 [1] DEU Genius XR4 SCS M2 Shorty STone
7 21 Silvio Böhmichen 42 14: 24.643 HK Mecatech FW01 Audi R8 LMS
8 27 Treutler Miles 42 14: 30.328 Genius XR4 Pro Aston Martin
9 3 Stephan Schroeder 41 14: 08.577 Mecatech 2019 Audi R8 LMS
10 32 Klaus Schumm 41 14: 20.885 Mecatech FW01 Audi R8 LMS
11 36 Marcel Schildwächter 40 14: 13.249 Genius XR4 Pro Aston Martin
12 25 Robert Franicevic 40 14: 19.465 FG 2020.2 Audi R8 LMS
13 24 Paul Beetz 40 14: 20.638 Mecatech FW01 BMW GT3 ALMS
14 2 Daniel Stein 40 14: 22.784 Mecatech FW01 Audi R8 LMS
15 33 Sven Hollmann 40 14: 23.311 FBX GT Audi R8 LMS
16 37 Michael Günther 40 14: 29.140 Mecatech FW01 Porsche GT3 RSR
17 19 Thomas Ball 40 14: 32.648 Genius XR-3S STOne-GT3
18 34 Christian Langer 39 14: 23.988 Mecatech FW01 BMW ALMS
19 29 Jörg Mayers 37 14: 19.259 HARM SX4 Porsche GT 3 RSR
20 10 Tobias Bosse 28 13: 30.325 FG 2020.2 BMW GT3 ALMS
21 23 Jörg Fehling 1 0: 25.005 FG 2020.2 BMW GT3 ALMS
22 8 Torsten Förster 0 0: 00.000 Genius Porsche GT 3 RSR
23 9 Olaf Krohm 0 0: 00.000 HARM SX5 BMW GT3 ALMS

I already mentioned that one or the other fell victim to "Little Monaco". Normally we would have had two quarter-finals. We could then skip these and went straight to the semi-finals. It went on for over 20 minutes and again it was said, don't make a single mistake. The field of drivers is so tight from the performance of the individual drivers that the smallest mistake meant the B final. So definitely no shame to start there. After twice 20 minutes it was divided as follows:

B final:
Robert Francevic
Daniel Stein
Paul Beetz
Jörg Mayers
Thomas Ball
Christian Langer

Unfortunately, these drivers could not start:
Stephan Schroeder
Sven Hollmann
Uwe Pauly
Michael Günther

At this point I have to say again that we were able to see a super exciting and fair B final again. Here also the mega fairness despite the strong duels. It was about places 1-3 very close to the point. In the end:

1. Robert Franicevic
2. Daniel Stein
3. Paul Beetz
4. Jörg Mayers
5. Thomas Ball
6. Christian Langer

A final:
This finale was also unbeatable in terms of excitement. Absolutely thrilling with various battles for positions from 1st to 10th place. After 30 minutes, the positions were taken as follows:

1. Michael Donovan
2. Günter Honert
3. Marcus Oppenhorst
4. Miles Treutler
5. Klaus Schumm
6. Tobias Bosse
7. Silvio Böhmichen
8. Thomas Staab
9. Michael Schwarz
10. Marcel Sentinel

Run number 4 is now in the books. We are now looking ahead and are looking forward to run number 5. Bad Breisig here we come ...

German version

"Little Monaco" and the consequences for one or the other

Race number 4 was on the agenda of the SCS M2 GT Series this weekend. The MCK Dormagen invited us on its wonderful track, including the perfect supply from the kitchen.
This invitation was followed by 24 drivers.

The weather was slightly mixed and the sky had partially opened its locks on Saturday. That was made good on Sunday. Good weather, track with a lot of grip so what more could you want.

The track:
Why "Little Monaco". Actually quite simple, the layout of the track is great and is great fun. However, Dormagen offers virtually no run-off zones, but quite a few very stable gangs. Mistakes are rigorously punished here. This also got the one or the other participants felt painful. Fast is here only the one who pulls precisely like a Schweitzer clockwork his rounds and in addition a little more "Cojones" has.

The driver:
There had been 24 starters. Unfortunately, on Sunday morning there were still 21.
Unfortunately, 3 drivers had their vehicle slightly cold during training. Pity!
The training was temporarily interrupted by the onset of rain. Nevertheless, there was enough time to work out. The grip was mega. Michael Donovan had set a mark directly on his first run. He drove a 19.2 with his Mecatech (Porsche GT3 R). Respect!

The race:
On Sunday morning we went into the heats. It showed who had his fear or even his respect under control. And then there were the mentioned "Schweitzer clockworks". So it looked after the three heats, of which two were taken in the rating.

1 26 Michael Donovan 44 14: 29.412 2, Mecaetch FW01 2019 Porsche 911 GT3R
2 22 Marcus Oppenhorst 44 14: 30,150 RS 5 XT Audi R8 LMS
3 12 Michael Schwarz 42 14: 09.266 Mecatech FW01 2019 Audi R8 LMS
4 15 Uwe Pauly 42 14: 14.594 Mecatech FW01 BMW GT3 ALMS
5 28 Günter Honert 42 14: 16.223 FG 2020.2 Porsche GT3 RSR
6 7 Thomas Staab 42 14: 20.834 3, 2 [1] ENG Genius XR4 SCS M2 Shorty STone
7 21 Silvio Böhmichen 42 14: 24.643 HK Mecatech FW01 Audi R8 LMS
8 27 Treutler Miles 42 14: 30.328 Genius XR4 Pro Aston Martin
9 3 Stephan Schroeder 41 14: 08.577 Mecatech 2019 Audi R8 LMS
10 32 Klaus Schumm 41 14: 20.885 Mecatech FW01 Audi R8 LMS
11 36 Marcel Schildwächter 40 14: 13.249 Genius XR4 Pro Aston Martin
12 25 Robert Franicevic 40 14: 19.465 FG 2020.2 Audi R8 LMS
13 24 Paul Beetz 40 14: 20.638 Mecatech FW01 BMW GT3 ALMS
14 2 Daniel Stein 40 14: 22.784 Mecatech FW01 Audi R8 LMS
15 33 Sven Hollmann 40 14: 23.311 FBX GT Audi R8 LMS
16 37 Michael Günther 40 14: 29.140 Mecatech FW01 Porsche GT3 RSR
17 19 Thomas Ball 40 14: 32.648 Genius XR-3S STONE-GT3
18 34 Christian Langer 39 14: 23.988 Mecatech FW01 BMW ALMS
19 29 Jörg Mayers 37 14: 19.259 HARM SX4 Porsche GT 3 RSR
20 10 Tobias Bosse 28 13: 30.325 FG 2020.2 BMW GT3 ALMS
21 23 Jörg Fehling 1 0: 25.005 FG 2020.2 BMW GT3 ALMS
22 8 Torsten Förster 0 0: 00.000 Genius Porsche GT 3 RSR
23 9 Olaf Krohm 0 0: 00.000 HARM SX5 BMW GT3 ALMS

I already mentioned it, one or the other fell victim to "Klein Monaco". Normally we would have had two quarter finals. These we could then fail and went immediately in the semifinals. It went on for over 20 minutes and again it was said, do not make a single mistake. The driver field is so close to the performance of the individual riders that the slightest mistake in the B final meant. So definitely not a shame to go there at the start. After twice 20 minutes was divided like this:

B final:
Robert Francevic
Daniel Stein
Paul Beetz
Jörg Mayer
Thomas Ball
Christian Langer

Unfortunately, these riders couldn't go to the start:
Stephan Schroeder
Sven Hollmann
Uwe Pauly
Michael Günther

I must also say at the point again, we could see again a super exciting and fair B finals. Here also the mega fairness despite the strong duels. It was about 1-3 place very close to the point. In the end settle by:

1. Robert Franicevic
2. Daniel Stein
3. Paul Beetz
4. Jörg Mayer
5. Thomas Ball
6. Christian Langer

A final:
Also this final was not to be beat in tension. Absolutely thrilling with various position battles from place 1 to place 10. After 30 minutes the positions were as follows:

1. Michael Donovan
2. Günter Honert
3. Marcus Oppenhorst
4. Miles Treutler
5. Klaus Schumm
6. Tobias Bosse
7. Silvio Böhmichen
8. Thomas Staab
9. Michael Black
10. Marcel Sentinel

Run number 4 is now in the books. We are now looking forward and looking forward to race number 5. Bad Breisig here we come ...
The winners run 3 in Velp
1.Marcus Oppenhorst

2. Michael Schwarz
3. Günter Honert

Fairplay Award : Robert Franicevic
(Below the english version)

The third round of the SCS M2 GT Series took place at the EVMC Velp in the neighboring one
Netherlands instead.
The weather showed itself from the super sunny side, with temperatures of around 30 ° C. The club has to be praised here, in the heat
Cold drinks and ice cream were given out free of charge. Great!!!

The distance :
A tour early in the morning already showed that the route has mean curbs.
Only in a few places do they belong to the ideal line, otherwise it says, "... away from the curbs" In the search for the ideal line, however, it could happen that such a nasty curb suddenly jumps in front of the car.

The driver:
22 starters had found their way to the "white line" with their GTs.
With a relaxed Saturday training session, there was a long drive, the route was until 10 p.m.
open. Some of those who had come with Vova stayed on site, we sat at the grill with us
cool drinks together.

The race:
The sub-finals and finals were then divided into three qualification groups on Sunday. Here again it was shown that not only the fast lap counts, but
especially the consistency and flawless runs.
Speaking of a fast lap, Markus Oppenhorst showed us all what was possible and made it
error-free laps under the 17sec. Brand. Almost the entire rest of the driver field managed 17'er times and thus everyone moved from the speed on the track within a second. This is remarkable, a lot of fun and also hit in 1/4 in 1/2 and B finals
always equally strong drivers together. It never gets boring on the track.
One point of criticism just has to be addressed. The start of the sub-finals
was sometimes very rough. A little more fairness would be desirable. It's going to be a race
not won in the first corner. If 10 cars of almost the same speed drive into the first corners, it is just the case that the braking points of the rear drivers are not there
lie where they are when driving freely. There is a little too much for my taste
Enemy contact given. That should work better in the future.
In the further course of the race there was a fair fight for positions.
At the end of the day, the three fastest were on the podium.
1. Markus Oppenhorst with RS5 Audi R8
2. Michael Schwarz with Mecatech Audi R8
3. Günter Honert with FG Porsche GT3
Congratulations to the three of them and of course to Robert Franicevic who received the Fairness Cup for fair driving in the A final. That was done by the race management and timekeeping
And after the race is before the race, the 4th run will follow shortly at the 3rd NRW Cup
in Dormagen.

See you on July 20/21. on the white line

German version

The third round of the SCS M2 GT Series took place at the neighboring EVMC Velp
The weather showed up from the sunny side, at temperatures of around 30 ° C. The club must be praised here, in the heat
Free cold drinks and ice cream were issued for free. Great !!!

The distance:
A tour early in the morning showed that the track has mean curbs.
Only in a few places are those to the ideal line, otherwise it says, "... away from the curb's" In search of the ideal line, it could happen, however, that suddenly a nasty curb in front of the car jumps.

The driver:
22 starters had found their way to the "white line" with their GTs.
On relaxed Saturday training was driven long, the track was until 22.00
open. Some who came with Wowa stayed on site, they sat on the grill, with
cool drinks together.

The race:
In three qualification groups then on Sunday the classification of the subfinals and finals was determined. Here it turned out that not only the fast lap counts, but
especially the constancy and error-free runs.
Speaking of a quick lap, Markus Oppenhorst showed us all that was possible and made it
flawless laps under the 17sec. Fire. Almost all of the rest of the field managed 17's and so all of them, in terms of speed on the track, moved within a sec. That's considerable, lots of fun and also in 1/4 in 1/2 and B finals meet
always the same strong drivers together. It never gets boring on the track.
Where a point of criticism you just have to address. The start of the subfinale
was very rough. A little more fairness would be desirable. It's going to be a race
not won in the first corner. When 10 cars are about the same speed in the first corner, it is sometimes so that the braking points of the rear driver is not there
lie where they are when driving freely. Since it has a bit too much for my taste
Enemy touch given. That should work better in the future.
In the further course of the race a fair fight was fought for the positions.
At the end of the day, the three fastest were on the podium.
1. Markus Oppenhorst with RS5 Audi R8
2. Michael Schwarz with Mecatech Audi R8
3. Günter Honert with FG Porsche GT3
Congratulations to the three and of course to Robert Franicevic who has received the fairness trophy for fair driving in the A final. That was from the race director and timekeeper
And after the race is before the race, the 4th round will follow soon at the 3rd NRW Cup
in Dormagen.

See you on July 20/21. on the white line

The winners run 2 in Rucphen

2. Marcus Oppenhorst
3. Klaus Schumm

Fair play
Stefan Burbach
(Below the english version)
Balance of Performance perfekt...
24 Starter waren vom 08.06. bis 09.06 am Start beim M.A.C. de Baanbrekers in Ruchpen. Das Wetter war am Samstag leider wieder durchwachsen. Jedoch hat die Strecke in Rucphen den grandiosen Vorteil, das sie unheimlich schnell abtrocknet. Somit konnte doch fast den ganzen Tag über ordentlich trainiert werden. Hier zeichnete sich der Titel des Berichtes auch schon ab.

Am Sonntag morgen hatte der Liebe Gott (er ist anscheinend auch Rennfahrer) ein Einsehen und belohnte uns mit Sonnenschein schon beim aufstehen.
Somit begann die Jagd auf die meist gefahrenen Runden in 5 Minuten. Nach den Vorläufen sah die Rangliste wie folgt aus:

1 Uwe Pauly                                  BMW ALMS                             10:29.347 3, 2 [1] DEU Mecatech 
2 Klaus Schumm                      Audi R8                                      10:18.845 3, 1 [2] DEU Mecatech
3 Marcus Oppenhorst         Audi R8                                      10:02.873 1, 2 [3] DEU RS5 XT2019 
4 Thomas Staab                       STone                                          10:04.291 3, 2 [1] DEU Genius XR4 
5 Günter Honert                      Porsche GT3 R                      10:04.485 3, 2 [1] DEU FG 2020.2
6 Tobias Bosse                         BMW ALMS                              10:09.007 3, 1 [2] DEU FG 2020.2
7 Michael Schwarz               Audi R8                                       10:10.064 3, 2 [1] DEU Mecatech 
8 Stephan Schroeder         Audi R8                                       10:15.006 3, 2 [1] DEU Mecatech
9 Miles Treutler                      Aston                                            10:19.419 3, 2 [1] DEU Genius XR4
10 Paul Beetz                            BMW ALMS                               10:27.667 3, 1 [2] DEU Mecatech
11 Torsten Förster                 Porsche RSR                           10:28.577 2, 1 [3] DEU Genius XR3s
12 Sven Hollmann                  Audi R8                                       10:13.824 3, 2 [1] DEU FBX GT 
13 Christian Langer             BMW ALMS                               10:17.518 3, 2 [1] DEU Mecatech 
14 Silvio Böhmichen            Audi R8                                       10:19.528 3, 2 [1] DEU HK Mecatech
15 Bernd Cronert                  Audi R8                                        10:04.024 1, 3 [2] DEU FG 2020
16 Thomas Ball                        STone                                           10:07.525 1, 3 [2] DEU Genius XR3s
17 Robert Franicevic           Audi R8                                       10:13.189 3, 1 [2] DEU FG 2020.2
18 Jörg Mayers                      Porsche RSR                            10:14.544 2, 3 [1] DEU H.A.R.M. SX3
19 Marcel Schildwächter Porsche RSR                          10:15.230 3, 2 [1] DEU Genius XR4s
20 David Martin                     Porsche RSR                           10:15.189 2, 1  [3] DEU Genius XR3S 
21 Tobias Keller                      Porsche RSR                            10:24.257 1, 2 [3] DEU Genius XR3s
22 Daniel Stein                       Audi R8                                        10:26.914 2, 3 [1] DEU Mecatech
23 Stefan Burbach              Porsche RSR                            10:08.401 3, 2 [1] DEU FG Evo
24 Jörg Fehling                     BMW ALMS                                  5:14.845 3, 1 [2] DEU FG 2020.2 

Es war schon in den Vorläufen zu sehen, das es sehr eng zu ging. Nach der  Mittagspause starteten direkt die 1/4 Finale. Nach den 10 Minuten standen die Platzierungen wie folgt fest:

1/4 Finale B

1 Silvio Böhmichen     33 10:06.602 17.882 18.648 
2 Sven Hollmann          32 10:01.813 17.844 19.103 
3 Daniel Stein                 32 10:08.102 18.218 19.233 
4 Jörg Mayers               31 10:00.907 18.308 19.625 
5 Jörg Fehling               31 10:09.985 17.876 19.914 
6 David Martin              29 10:05.853 19.093 21.135 
7 Thomas Ball                26 10:14.110 18.227 24.142 

1/4 Finale A

1 Torsten Förster                    34 10:04.308 17.594 18.012 
2 Marcel Schildwächter   34 10:16.141 17.800 18.316 
3 Robert Franicevic              33 10:02.132 17.944 18.457 
4 Bernd Cronert                     33 10:03.511 17.899 18.523 
5 Tobias Keller                         32 10:17.898 18.166 19.499 
6 Stefan Burbach                  21 10:16.604 20.403 29.057 
7 Christian Langer                  9 2:43.254 17.713 19.114 

Auch hier waren es packende Zweikämpfe, die aber als sehr fair abgingen. Am Ende standen die glücklichen Aufsteiger fest für die Halbfinale. Auch die Halbfinale waren geprägt von packenden Zweikämpfen. Es stand mal wieder fest, das jeder noch so kleine Fehler mit dem Verlust der Platzierung und dem eventuellen Einzug ins Finale bestraft wurde. Dafür war das Fahrerfeld, was die Zeiten angeht, zu eng bei einander. Am Ende standen die Platzierungen der Halbfinale wie fogt fest:
Halbfinale B

1 Klaus Schumm               52 15:14.759 17.254 17.744 
2 Thomas Staab               52 15:16.547 17.310 17.770 
3 Stephan Schroeder  51 15:02.427 17.323 17.834 
4 Tobias Bosse                  51 15:13.121 17.406 18.067 
5 Silvio Böhmichen        50 15:12.596 17.703 18.384 
6 Sven Hollmann             50 15:17.698 17.839 18.532 
7 Paul Beetz                        48 15:07.315 17.918 18.831 
8 Daniel Stein                    46 15:19.385 18.085 20.319 
9 Tobias Keller                  45 15:05.869 18.532 20.454 
10 David Martin                38 13:23.075 18.460 21.588 

Halbfinale A

1 Günter Honert                      53 15:13.815 16.894 17.443 
2 Uwe Pauly                               53 15:15.969 16.966 17.499 
3 Marcus Oppenhorst       52 15:09.668 17.234 17.705 
4 Torsten Förster                  52 15:17.817 17.315 17.836 
5 Miles Treutler                      51 15:00.803 17.335 17.860 
6 Michael Schwarz              50 15:02.025 17.334 18.256 
7 Bernd Cronert                    50 15:13.095 17.865 18.449 
8 Marcel Schildwächter 49 15:08.102 17.708 18.738 
9 Robert Franicevic            47 14:45.453 17.920 19.038 
10 Jörg Fehling                      27 9:20.800 17.714 21.180 

Ich hatte die Chance mir das Halbfinale A anzuschauen. Ich war das ganze Rennen so etwas von fasziniert. Man konnte so viele Zweikämpfe bewundern. Egal ob zwischen Platz 1 und 2, 3 und 4, 5 und 6, 7 bis 10. Überall wurde fair auf hohen Niveau gefightet. Am Schluss blieben aus beiden 1/2 Finale 10 Fahrer übrig für das Hauptfinale. 
Im Hauptfinale bildeten sich nach dem Start 2 Gruppen. Platz 1-4 fuhren Stoßstange an Stoßstange und Platz 5-10 ebenso. Der Konvoi hielt sich fast bis zum Ende der 30. Minuten. Es bestätigte sich mal wieder die Weisheit das ranfahren oder mitfahren das eine ist. Vorbei fahren was ganz anderes wenn der Vordermann keine Fehler macht. Wie an der Perlenschnur gezogen 30 Minuten lang. Lediglich der führende konnte sich am Ende doch etwas absetzen. Das hohe Niveau war auch daran zu erkennen das es kaum eine Überrundung gab.Leider aber doch ein paar Ausfälle. Am Ende stand der finale Einlauf fest: 

1 Uwe Pauly                             104 30:09.596 16.898 17.471 
2 Marcus Oppenhorst     103 30:11.246 17.153 17.654 
3 Klaus Schumm                 103 30:12.229 16.882 17.633 
4 Silvio Böhmichen           101 30:00.333 17.311 17.877 
5 Thomas Staab                    86 25:18.919 17.175 17.693 
6 Günter Honert                    71 20:23.581 16.878 17.345 
7  Torsten Förster                26 8:02.005 17.373 18.761 
8 Tobias Bosse                       24 9:00.188 17.252 22.972 
9 Stephan Schroeder       23 7:40.814 17.310 20.345 
10 Miles Treutler                    9 2:35.760 17.495 18.050

Ich hatte ein Spritproblem, Günter leider aufgrund eines Unfalls einen technischen Defekt, Torsten hatte das gleiche Problem, Tobi auch einen technischen Defekt, Stephan ein defektes Lenkservo und Miles auch durch einen Einschlag beide Servohörner krumm. Ausser auf den ERFRA Läufen habe ich selten so tolle Finale gesehen. Das macht Lust auf den nächsten Lauf...

See you in Velp

English Version

Balance of performance perfect ...
24 starters were from 08.06. until 09.06 at the start of the M.A.C. de Baanbrekers in Ruchpen. Unfortunately, the weather was mixed again on Saturday. However, the track in Rucphen has the terrific advantage that it dries out incredibly fast. Thus it was possible to train properly for most of the day. Here is the title of the report from already.

On Sunday morning, the God of God (he seems to be a racer) had a look and rewarded us with sunshine already when getting up.
Thus, the hunt began on the most driven laps in 5 minutes. After the heats, the ranking looked like this:

1 Uwe Pauly BMW ALMS 10: 29.347 3, 2 [1] DEU Mecatech
2 Klaus Schumm Audi R8 10: 18.845 3, 1 [2] DEU Mecatech
3 Marcus Oppenhorst Audi R8 10: 02.873 1, 2 [3] ENG RS5 XT2019
4 Thomas Staab STone 10: 04.291 3, 2 [1] DEU Genius XR4
5 Günter Honert Porsche GT3 R 10: 04.485 3, 2 [1] DEU FG 2020.2
6 Tobias Bosse BMW ALMS 10: 09.007 3, 1 [2] DEU FG 2020.2
7 Michael Schwarz Audi R8 10: 10.064 3, 2 [1] DEU Mecatech
8 Stephan Schroeder Audi R8 10: 15.006 3, 2 [1] DEU Mecatech
9 Miles Treutler Aston 10: 19.419 3, 2 [1] DEU Genius XR4
10 Paul Beetz BMW ALMS 10: 27.667 3, 1 [2] DEU Mecatech
11 Torsten Förster Porsche RSR 10: 28.577 2, 1 [3] DEU Genius XR3s
12 Sven Hollmann Audi R8 10: 13.824 3, 2 [1] DEU FBX GT
13 Christian Langer BMW ALMS 10: 17.518 3, 2 [1] DEU Mecatech
14 Silvio Böhmichen Audi R8 10: 19.528 3, 2 [1] DEU HK Mecatech
15 Bernd Cronert Audi R8 10: 04.024 1, 3 [2] DEU FG 2020
16 Thomas Ball STone 10: 07.525 1, 3 [2] DEU Genius XR3s
17 Robert Franicevic Audi R8 10: 13.189 3, 1 [2] DEU FG 2020.2
18 Jörg Mayers Porsche RSR 10: 14.544 2, 3 [1] DEU H.A.R.M. SX3
19 Marcel Schildwächter Porsche RSR 10: 15.230 3, 2 [1] DEU Genius XR4s
20 David Martin Porsche RSR 10: 15.189 2, 1 [3] DEU Genius XR3S
21 Tobias Keller Porsche RSR 10: 24.257 1, 2 [3] DEU Genius XR3s
22 Daniel Stein Audi R8 10: 26.914 2, 3 [1] DEU Mecatech
23 Stefan Burbach Porsche RSR 10: 08.401 3, 2 [1] DEU FG Evo
24 Jörg Fehling BMW ALMS 5: 14.845 3, 1 [2] DEU FG 2020.2

It was already in the heats to see that it was very close. After the lunch break, the 1/4 finals started directly. The placements were then:

1/4 finals B

1 Silvio Böhmichen 33 10: 06.602 17.882 18.648
2 Sven Hollmann 32 10: 01.813 17.844 19.103
3 Daniel Stein 32 10: 08.102 18.218 19.233
4 Jörg Mayers 31 10: 00.907 18.308 19.625
5 Jörg Fehling 31 10: 09.985 17.876 19.914
6 David Martin 29 10: 05.853 19.093 21.135
7 Thomas Ball 26 10: 14.110 18.227 24.142

1/4 finals A

1 Torsten Förster 34 10: 04.308 17.594 18.012
2 Marcel Schildwächter 34 10: 16.141 17.800 18.316
3 Robert Franicevic 33 10: 02.132 17,944 18,457
4 Bernd Cronert 33 10: 03.511 17.899 18.523
5 Tobias Keller 32 10: 17,898 18,166 19,499
6 Stefan Burbach 21 10: 16.604 20.403 29.057
7 Christian Langer 9 2: 43.254 17.713 19.114

Again, it was thrilling duels, but went off as very fair. In the end, the lucky newcomers were determined for the semifinals. So the semifinals went out:
Semifinals B

1 Klaus Schumm 49 15: 14.759 17.254 17.744
2 Thomas Staab 49 15: 16.547 17.310 17.770
3 Stephan Schroeder 48 15: 02.427 17.323 17.834
4 Tobias Bosse 48 15: 13.121 17.406 18.067
5 Silvio Böhmichen 47 15: 12.596 17.703 18.384
6 Sven Hollmann 47 15: 17,698 17,839 18,532
7 Paul Beetz 45 15: 07.315 17,918 18,831
8 Daniel Stein 43 15: 19.385 1
9 Tobias Keller 42 15: 05.869 18.532 20.454
10 David Martin 35 13: 23.075 18.460 21.588

Semifinals A

1 Günter Honert 53 15: 13.815 16.894 17.443
2 Uwe Pauly 53 15: 15.969 16.966 17.499
3 Marcus Oppenhorst 52 15: 09.668 17.234 17.705
4 Torsten Förster 52 15: 17.817 17.315 17.836
5 Miles Treutler 51 15: 00.803 17.335 17.860
6 Michael Schwarz 50 15: 02.025 17.334 18.256
7 Bernd Cronert 50 15: 13.095 17.865 18.449
8 Marcel Schildwächter 49 15: 08.102 17.708 18.738
9 Robert Franicevic 47 14: 45.453 17,920 19,038
10 Jörg Fehling 27 9: 20,800 17,714 21,180

I had the chance to watch semifinal A. I was so fascinated by the whole race. You could admire so many duels. No matter if between 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th, 7th to 10th Everywhere a fair fight on a high level was made. At the end of the two 1/2 finals 10 riders remained for the main final.
In the main final formed after starting 2 groups. Seat 1-4 drove bumper to bumper and seat 5-10 as well. The convoy lasted almost to the end of the 30th minute. It was confirmed once again the wisdom that ran or ride along is the one. Drive by something completely different if the front man makes no mistake. As pulled on the string of pearls for 30 minutes. Only the leader could settle in the end. The high level was also to recognize that there was hardly a Überrundung.Leider but a few failures. At the end the final entry was clear:

1 Uwe Pauly 104 30: 09.596 16.898 17.471
2 Marcus Oppenhorst 103 30: 11.246 17.153 17.654
3 Klaus Schumm 103 30: 12.229 16.882 17.633
4 Silvio Böhmichen 101 30: 00.333 17.311 17.877
5 Thomas Staab 86 25: 18.919 17.175 17.693
6 Günter Honert 71 20: 23.581 16.878 17.345
7 Torsten Förster 26 8: 02.005 17.373 18.761
8 Tobias Bosse 24 9: 00.188 17.252 22.972
9 Stephan Schroeder 23 7: 40.814 17.310 20.345
10 Miles Treutler 9 2: 35,760 17,495 18,050

I had a fuel problem, Günter unfortunately due to an accident a technical defect, Torsten had the same problem, Tobi also a technical defect, Stephan a broken power steering and Miles also by a strike both Servohörner crooked by an impact. Except for the ERFRA races I have rarely seen such great finals. That's the next run ...

See you in Velp
The winners run 1 in Bad Breisig
                             Marcus Oppenhorst
                                                    Markus Michelberger
Miles Treutler                                               
(Below the english version)
Gentleman start your engines...
So hieß es am 04.05.2019 im Motordrom Rhein-Ahr. Leider meinte es das Wetter an dem Wochenende nicht ganz so gut mit uns. Der Wetterbericht und diverse Wetter Apps waren genauso unvorhersehbar wie der Regen selber. Am späten Samstag nachmittag gab es dann doch eine etwas längere Trockenphase, sodass man wenigstens mal ein wenig testen konnte um ein Setup für diese Bedingungen zu finden.

Am Sonntag morgen ging es dann in die Vorläufe für die 22 Starter. Leider war das Wetter nicht wirklich besser. Im Gegenteil. Die Strecke wurde im Stundentakt gewässert, sodass ein vernünftiger Vorlauf reine Glückssache war. Nach den Vorläufen sah die Rangliste wie folgt aus:

1.  7 Thomas Staab                     18 7:06.328                     Genius XR4 Shorty  STone 
2.  8 Torsten Förster                18 7:14.281                       Genius XR3s Porsche GT3 RSR        
3.  22 Marcus Oppenhorst  18 7:14.946                      RS5 XT 2019  Audi R8 LMS
4.  15 Uwe Pauly                          18 7:17.153                         HARM SX 5 BMW GT 3 ALMS 
5.  32 Klaus Schumm               17 7:07.430                      Mecatech FW 01 BMW GT3 ALMS
6.  27 Miles Treutler                17 7:09.497                       Genius XR4 Plus Aston Martin
7.  21 Silvio Böhmichen          17 7:14.120                        Mecatech FW 01 Audi R8 LMS
8.  3 Stephan Schroeder      17 7:16.368                       Mecatech FW 01 Audi R8 LMS
9.  10 Tobias Bosse                    17 7:17.967                       FG 2020.2 BMW GT3 ALMS
10.  25 Robert Franicevic     17 7:18.728                       FG Evo 2020.2 Audi R8 LMS
11.  5 Andreas Boehm              16 7:19.163                       GENIUS XR3s Porsche GT3 RSR 
12.  9 Olaf Krohm                       16 7:20.549                     HARM SX 5 ROWE BMW GT3 ALMS
13. 34 Christian Langer        15 7:01.324                      Mecatech FW01  BMW GT2 ALMS 
14. 30 Tobias Keller                 15 7:05.718                       RS5 Porsche GT3 RSR
15. 19 Thomas Ball                    15 7:28.738                      Genius XR3-S  ST One GT3
16. 2 Daniel Stein                      14 7:08.539                      Mecatech FW 01 Audi R8 LMS
17. 13 Julian Fastenroth       14 7:21.304                       RS5 Ferrari GT3
18. 11 Bernd Cronert               13 7:19.207                       FG 2020 Audi R8 LMS
19. 4 Stefan Burbach              12 7:13.187                        FG EVO Porsche GT3 RSR
20. 29 Jörg Mayers                11 5:46.433                       HARM Porsche GT3 RSR
21. 36 M. Schildwächter      10 7:02.635 3                 Genius Posche GT3 RSR
22 14 M. Michelberger            2 0:48.755                      GENIUS  AUDI R8 LMS 

So ging es in die Mittagspause und in die Finale
Im 1/4 Finale gingen an den Start:

Markus Michelberger 
Bernd Cronert 
Marcel Schildwächter 
Jörg Mayers 
Thomas Ball 
Julian Fastenroth 
Daniel Stein 
Stefan Burbach

Leider war auch dieses Finale stellenweise feucht, sodass einige aufgrund der Streckenverhältnisse nicht zu ende fahren konnten. Aufgestiegen in das Halbfinale sind die ersten 6 in der Liste.
Leider war auch das Halbfinale B noch von der noch nicht ganz trockenen Strecke betroffen. Diese trocknete erst nach der Hälfte des Rennens ab. Hier waren die Aufsteiger:

1   Bernd Cronert 
2  Uwe Pauly 
3  Robert Franicevic 
4  Miles Treutler 
5  Stephan Schroeder

Das Halbfinale A war auf trockener Strecke ein sehr schöner Lauf. Es konnte endlich mal wieder gefightet werden. Was die Teilnehmer sehr fair umgesetzt haben. Hier waren die Aufsteiger:

1  Marcus Oppenhorst 
2 Thomas Staab 
3 Markus Michelberger 
4 Silvio Böhmichen 
5 Klaus Schumm

Und somit standen die Final Teilnehmer fest. Im Finale konnte sich Marcus Oppenhorst durch einen sehr guten Start direkt absetzen. Hinter ihm entbrannten viele Kämpfe um die Positionen. Es war bis auf den Platz 1 (den wollte Marcus nicht hergeben) für jeden fast alles drin. Nach 30 Minuten waren die Plätze bezogen:

1.      22 Marcus Oppenhorst 
2.      14 Markus Michelberger 
3.     27 Miles Treutler 
4.        7 Thomas Staab 
5.      21 Silvio Böhmichen  
6.     32 Klaus Schumm 
7.       11 Bernd Cronert 
8.       3 Stephan Schroeder 
9.    25 Robert Franicevic 
10.  15 Uwe Pauly

Bis auf ein paar kleine Missgeschicke, ein bis zwei technische Ausfälle, waren es saubere Rennen. Die ersten Punkte sind verteilt und der GT Rennzirkus zieht weiter zum nächsten Austragungsort...

See you in Ruchpen

English Version

Gentleman start your engines ...
So it was said on 04.05.2019 in the motor drom Rhein-Ahr. Unfortunately, the weather on the weekend was not so lucky with us. The weather report and various weather apps were just as unpredictable as the rain itself. On late Saturday afternoon there was a longer dry period so that you could at least test a bit to find a setup for these conditions.

On Sunday morning we went to the heats for the 22 starters. Unfortunately the weather was not really better. On the contrary. The course was watered every hour, so that a reasonable lead was a matter of luck. After the heats, the ranking looked like this:

1. 7 Thomas Staab 18 7:06.328 Genius XR4 Shorty Standard STone 
2. 8 Torsten Förster 18 7:14.281 Genius XR3s Porsche GT3 RSR        
3. 22 Marcus Oppenhorst 18 7:14.946 RS5 XT 2019 Audi R8 LMS
4. 15 Uwe Pauly 18 7:17.153 HARM SX 5 BMW GT 3 ALMS 
5. 32 Klaus Schumm 17 7:07.430 Mecatech FW 01 BMW GT3 ALMS
6. 27 Miles Treutler 17 7:09.497 Genius XR4 Plus Aston Martin
7. 21 Silvio Böhmichen 17 7:14.120 Mecatech FW 01 Audi R8 LMS
8. 3 Stephan Schroeder 17 7:16.368 Mecatech FW 01 Audi R8 LMS
9. 10 Tobias Bosse 17 7:17.967 FG 2020.2 BMW GT3 ALMS
10. 25 Robert Franicevic 17 7:18.728 FG Evo 2020.2 Audi R8 LMS
11. 5 Andreas Boehm 16 7:19.163 GENIUS XR3s Porsche GT3 RSR 
12. 9 Olaf Krohm 16 7:20.549 HARM SX 5 ROWE BMW GT3 ALMS
13. 34 Christian Langer 15 7:01.324 Mecatech FW01 BMW GT2 ALMS 
14. 30 Tobias Keller 15 7:05.718 RS5 Porsche GT3 RSR
15. 19 Thomas Ball 15 7:28.738 Genius XR3-S ST One GT3
16. 2 Daniel Stein 14 7:08.539 Mecatech FW 01 Audi R8 LMS
17. 13 Julian Fastenroth 14 7:21.304 RS5 Ferrari GT3
18. 11 Bernd Cronert 13 7:19.207 FG 2020 Audi R8 LMS
19. 4 Stefan Burbach 12 7:13.187 FG EVO Porsche GT3 RSR
20. 29 Jörg Mayers 11 5:46.433 HARM Porsche GT3 RSR
21. 36 M. Schildwächter 10 7:02.635 3 Genius Posche GT3 RSR
22 14 M. Michelberger 2 0:48.755 GENIUS AUDI R8 LMS 

So it was the lunch break and the finals
In the 1/4 finale we started:
Markus Michelberger
Bernd Cronert
Marcel Schildwächter
Jörg Mayer
Thomas Ball
Julian Fastenroth
Daniel Stein
Stefan Burbach

Unfortunately, this final was partly wet, so that some could not finish due to the track conditions. Ascended to the semi-finals are the first 6 in the list.
Unfortunately, the semi-final B was affected by the still not quite dry track. This did not dry until after the race. Here were the finalists:

1 Bernd Cronert
2 Uwe Pauly
3 Robert Franicevic
4 Miles Treutler
5 Stephan Schroeder

The semi-final A was a very nice run on a dry track. It could finally be fought again. What the participants have implemented very fair. Here were the finalists:

1 Marcus Oppenhorst
2 Thomas Staab
3 Markus Michelberger
4 Silvio Böhmichen
5 Klaus Schumm

And so the finalists were determined. In the final Marcus Oppenhorst managed to break away with a very good start. Behind him, many battles for positions began. It was down to the first place (which Marcus did not want to give up) for almost everything in it. After 30 minutes the seats were occupied:

1. 22 Marcus Oppenhorst
2. 14 Markus Michelberger
3. 27 Miles Treutler
4. 7 Thomas Staab
5. 21 Silvio Böhmichen
6. 32 Klaus Schumm
7. 11 Bernd Cronert
8. 3 Stephan Schroeder
9. 25 Robert Franicevic
10. 15 Uwe Pauly

Except for a few minor accidents, one to two technical failures, it was clean races. The first points are distributed and the GT racing circus moves on to the next track ...

See you in Ruchpen
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